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Dhaulagiri is my Everest (Zoltan Demjan)

W 1984 roku Zoltan Demjan zdobył 2 ośmiotysięczniki bez dodatkowego tlenu. Najpierw wszedł południową ścianą na Lhotse Shar, a potem południowym filarem na Mount Everest.  Niestety pogoda spowodowała, że jego zejście w dół zamieniło się w tragedię. Swoją lekcję życia Zoltan odebrał podczas pierwszego wejścia na Dhaulagiri w stylu alpejskim. Na pionowym filarze południowo-zachodnim czekały na niego nie tylko najwyższe trudności wspinaczkowe, ale też cenna wiedza, która odmieniła jego życie.

CZAS: 63 min

TRAILER: www-festiwalgorski.app.insysgo.pl/vods/vod.356

In 1984, Zoltán Demján summited two eight-thousanders without supplementary oxygen. First, he climbed the south face of Lhotse Shar, then the south pillar of Mount Everest. However, the weather turned his descent into a drama. His life lesson happens during his first ascent of Dhaulagiri in the Alpine style. On this vertical southwest pillar not only the highest difficulty of climbing awaits him, but also important knowledge that will change his life.

Director Biography - Pavol Barabas

Pavol Barabáš (1959) is the author of a large-scale of mountain-oriented and adventure films about peoples' survival in extreme conditions. His films were shot in inaccessible wilderness, on wild rivers and glacial peaks, as well as in deep caves far away from civilization. He likes to look for stories the heroes of which go beyond their limits. He is fascinated by encounters with different cultures and he is mostly attracted by the territories of Tibetan Buddhism, as well as the lands of natural people hidden deep in the jungle. His films present the manner in which man should treat the Earth. They emit love and respect for nature, enormous mental power and moral conscience.

He has accomplished several ground-breaking expeditions, from the discovery of Stone Age people untouched by civilization in the rainforests of New Guinea, through the co-discovery of a mega-cave on the Chimantá plateau, to the first transit of the Ellsworth Mountains in Antarctica. His documentaries about the Slovak mountains also belong among those that are extremely viewer-attractive.

His films have been awarded with more than 300 national as well as international prizes. He is a holder of the prestigious Grand Prize from the International Alliance for Mountain Film as gratitude to the filmmakers, directors and producers who have contributed throughout their careers – through loyalty and dedication, and with little regard for personal profit — to the evolution of mountain film into the prominent genre that it is today.